Sessions Available

Teaching Style

I can provide sessions that are flexible to your schedule and can help you learn a variety of computing languages, including:

During tutorials, I work with students to create simple projects that help them understand programming. My focus is to get students to start coding as soon as possible and build up their confidence to be able to build their own unique projects. My one-on-one tutorials works matches the style and pace of each student’s learning preferences.

20% off your first session with the code: init_a23e

What To Expect

If you are a beginner, classes will focus on the fundamentals of programming and gaining the experience you need to build your own projects.

I will teach basic use of git based source control and IDE setup. All projects worked on during sessions will be released open source on git, with the GNU AGPLv3 licence. This means others can use and learn from code created during sessions.

I do not teach to an exam or offer an accreditation - my goal is to help you develop key industry skills and start working on a portfolio. If you are seeking employment within a coding-relating field, your portfolio will demonstrate to future employers that you know and can use the language. I also encourage students to make use of resources, such as Hackerrank and Edabit (link).

Software used

During the first session, I will get you set up with:

Tutorial Point Variables


There are a lot of programming tutorials available online which all want to get you started fast. This is important, but the very foundations of programming should be solid.

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Rpg Dice Roller for Miro Whiteboard

this story starts, like many others with d&d. Recently my group has been using Discord for calls, a bot for the dice, and Miro providing the Battle-map. Miro our interactive whiteboard of choice is fluid, and easy to use. In my game its become a solid replacement for Roll20. The one thing it doesn’t have yet is dice rolling capabilities. In this blog, I document my path to fixing that.

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D&D Coin Converter

so this project starts like many others. With a slight annoyance and enough free time to hack together a solution. Todays problem arose whilst playing Dungeons & Dragons. I wanted to buy a shops worth of pastries; being D&D these where of course the most evil and unholy of pastries. The Shopkeeper asked me to pay, I know weird how even in fantasy we bring our problems with us. On the plus side in this game coin was easy to come by, but that poses other issues. The conversion rates of each coin while consistent, never seem to stick with me. I struggle to convert copper, electrum, silver, gold, and platinum in my head. I also had a lot of platinum, the big bucks coin. But no copper, which I needed to buy simple goods like pastries. So there I am, in the middle of the game doing fast money conversion trying to wok out change. The online sheet I use kindly tells me the worth of each coin, but doesn’t work it all out for me.

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