
Rhys Puddephatt

Rhys Puddephatt


I’m a Self-motivated and enthusiastic programmer with 5 years’ experience in agile development and testing in a professional environment. Passionate about developing the simplest solution to complex problems with creativity and integrity. always seeking to expand my experience and apply new practical coding skills.

while tutoring I work with students to create simple projects that help them understand programming. my focus is in getting my students to start coding and build up there confidence to create and complete projects on there own.

my one on one tutorials work at the pace of the students and can be student lead improving engagement.

meanwhile my Twitch tutorial streams are more around a communal creation and programing experience, during streams viewers are encouraged to suggest features and ideas.

Technical Skills

Key tutored subjects


a scripting language, has a high versatility for a lot of projects from data manipulation to task automation. while possible its less focused on graphical interactions.

C# .Net

a compiled language, far easier to create basic windows forms using the editor. has a more ridged syntax however the computer can offer more help as your writing your code.

C# Unity Game Engine

using unity to make games is fun and can be run on many platforms, whilst its designed as a game engine you could use it and the skills learnt to make just about anything you could with other options.


a strong industry standard language, has a lot of similarities to c# and is just as versatile

other skills

Industry Certifications:

Professional background

I have worked as a programmer for a security company that develops privileged access management and task automation software. while there I worked in python maintaining existing applications and developed code fixes and enhancements.

in the past I have worked for The London Marathon as a Finish Build Team Member. hauling the different fences around and on occasion dealing with the general public. the exacting schedules and site plans for the London Marathon are impressive it really was a marvel what got done in such a short time.

Past And Future Projects

Mob book

a number of years ago I designed a collaborative story-making website based in Python, using flask as the framework and sqlite to store user data https://github.com/megonemad1/MobBook it was an early project I created.

it’s a website designed to let users create the next sentence in a story. it had some problems to overcome, primarily I didn’t want to have a authentication system but I did want a rating system, this lead to creating a combination of mitigations to prevent repeat rating of story parts.

Currently designing a story framework for game development, capable of creating dynamic game states. I have delivered a presentation on this game to a local technology meetup group called Geek Night where I detailed my development process.

another project based I created on Linux operating system using vim and the upstart functionality of Ubuntu, I created scripts to aid me in time management as well as setting up a server which pulls logs from the family’s smart boiler to help my dad understand why we have no hot water.

Hobbies and Interests

Game Development

I enjoy flexing my programming and design skills by creating games in my spare time. I participated in several Southampton Game Jams and in 2017 my team won the Popular Game Award for our entry, The Chinese Room. I enjoyed working on both code and art design during the game jam.

Canal Boating

I am a qualified skipper having achieved the Certificate in Community Boat Management (CCBM). This qualification is about managing a boat crew and members of the public on a trip boat, including taking charge during an emergency and the preparation required for such events.


I’ve recently taken up blacksmithing and have built my own workshop. My most recent projects were a steel bracelet and a two handed Damascus steel cake knife for my sisters’ wedding. I have spent a couple of months helping out at a local blacksmiths where I learnt how to weld and other metal fabrication techniques.

Book Recommendation

most beginner programing books and resources are assuming they are still in date offering similar experience and their effectiveness is based on effort put in, as such find one which you find easy to follow (as this is different for everyone I cant be more specific)